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Industrialization In The North Caused

Medieval smokestacks fossil fuels in pre industrial times. Illustration peat fuelled glass manufacturing in the Netherlands, 1. Our romantic image of the Middle Ages and Renaissance as a paradise of renewable technologies results largely because of our failure to distinguish between thermal and kinetic energy. Before we delve into the pre industrial history of fossil fuels, it is important to note the difference between thermal energy heat and kinetic energy motion. For the greater part of history, wind, water and muscle power could provide only kinetic energy. This was the kind of energy required to grind grain, saw wood, or set sailboats in motion. For centuries, wood and charcoal made of wood was the only source of thermal energy in Europe, apart from the use of direct solar energy for low temperature processes like the drying of mud bricks and food crops. Industrialization In The North Caused' title='Industrialization In The North Caused' />Wood or charcoal were required for activities such as heating buildings, cooking food, producing building materials such as bricks, tile, cement, lime and plaster, manufacturing glass and paper, forging iron or producing dyes and soaps. At the same time, wood was the main construction material for buildings, ships, bridges, mills, piers, wharves, cranes, winches, mine shafts, vehicles, barrels, furniture and tools. The invention of the steam engine in the 1. Likewise, the arrival of electricity in the 1. Kinetic energy could produce heat by friction, for example in windmill gears, but this was mostly wasted. These days, it is self evident that both types of energy can be converted to one another with considerable efficiency losses, but for most of human history kinetic energy and heat energy were entirely different and were treated separately. Then, just as now, thermal energy was much more important than kinetic energy. Urban revival. The Romans who fuelled practically all their mechanical activities with slave labour deforested large parts of Europe in their hunger for thermal energy and construction materials. When their empire collapsed, forests recovered during the half millenium that is termed the Dark Ages. But at the beginning of the second millenium AD, Europe became the setting of an urban revival. Between 5. 00 and 1. Yankee%20Peddler.JPG' alt='Industrialization In The North Caused' title='Industrialization In The North Caused' />AD, some important agricultural innovations occured, including improved ploughs, the triennal rotation of crops, the horse collar, and the horse shoe. Walzwerk Neustadt Eberswalde. Carl Blechen, circa 1. These technologies enabled a larger population and higher food surplus more food could be supplied with less labour, which further aided the growth of cities in which people could do things other than working the land. The invention of the printing press, for example, further increased the demand for wood. Similarly, building gothic cathedrals required tonnes of materials, raising thermal energy use. Urbanisation thus went hand in hand with increased industrial acitivity. Also, medieval industrial processes were less efficient than similar processes today. For example up to 2. MJ was used to produce 1 kg of iron compared to 2. MJkg today. Urbanisation and industrialisation increased rapidly between 1. Windmills are only half of the story. Our romantic image of the Middle Ages and Renaissance as a paradise of renewable technologies results largely because of our failure to distinguish between thermal and kinetic energy. The Dutch and the Flemish, who dominated the Western European economy from about 1. The most spectacular use of windmills appeared in Holland from the late 1. There, the Dutch applied wind power to a wide range of industrial processes, including paper production, wood sawing, glass polishing and cement production. See the article Wind powered factories the history and future of the industrial windmill. The industrial windmill was a marvel of pre industrial technology, but it explains only partly why Holland became the most important economic power in the world during the 1. While sustainable providers of power, windmills could only deliver kinetic energy. To give just one example you can use wind power to polish glass, but you cant make glass using a windmill. For that, you need thermal energy. And in pre industrial times, as the history books tell us, the only way to reach high temperatures was to burn wood. One problem, though virtually all forests in the region had long vanished by the 1. Yet, during the Golden Age of the Netherlands, the Dutch not only made glass, they also produced bricks, tiles, ceramics and clay pipes, they refined salt and sugar, bleached linen, boiled soap, brewed beer, distilled spirits and baked bread. After the unification, industrialization was largely artisanal, and located in the former political capitals factory industry was instead attracted by the waterfalls. It was a town of red brick, or of brick that would have been red if the smoke and ashes had allowed it but as matters stood it was a town of unnatural red and black. COFFEE COLONIZES THE WORLD. Coffee makes us severe, and grave, and philosophical. Jonathan Swift, 1722 Coffee causes an excessive state of brainexcitation which. Fifth Assessment Report The Physical Science Basis includes assessment of climate change observations throughout the climate system sea level change. KU9.0.5-1_Industrial_Revolution.jpg' alt='Industrialization In The North Caused' title='Industrialization In The North Caused' />All these processes were based on a massive input of thermal energy. While peat is classified by the IPCC as a renewable fuel, this is highly debatable. It takes at least 3. Moreover, the Dutch produced much more than needed for domestic consumption. They became the largest European exporters of many of the above mentioned industrially manufactured products. On a more modest scale, a similar production boom had happened in Flanders a few centuries earlier, in which an energy intensive industry appeared in the near total absence of wood reserves. North Korea, officially known as the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea DPRK, is regarded as an unreformed, isolated, tightly controlled, dictatorial command. Industrial Revolution marked a major turning point in Earths ecology and humans relationship with their environment. So how did the Dutch and the Flemish achieve this By mining peat on a truly massive scale. What is peat An intermediate step in the formation of coal, peat forms when plant material, usually in marshy areas, does not decay fully because of a lack of oxygen. This semicarbonised fuel can be found near the earths surface in layers of up to 5 metres thick. The energy density of dried and pressed peat known as turf is about 1. MJ per kg, which is similar to the energy density of dried wood 1. MJkg but lower than that of coal 2. MJkg or charcoal up to 2. MJkg. However, it is a bulkier fuel than wood 1m. Turf is still used today in some countries, notably in Ireland, Finland and Russia, where it is burned in power plants and used for domestic heating. While peat is classified by the IPCC as a renewable fuel, this is highly debatable. Peat is renewed at a rate of about 1 mm per year at most, and so it takes at least 3. In addition, the mining of peat has a very large impact on the landscape, as we shall see, while the burning of turf produces slightly more CO2 emissions than coal for the same energy content. The only advantage it has over coal is that it produces less smoke and has a lower sulfur content, and thus produces less air pollution than coal. How to dig peat. In pre industrial times, peat was dug out using very simple tools. Before being cut, the peat was often partially dehydrated by digging drainage trenches on its surface. Next, the land was stripped of its vegetation and the peat sods were cut up vertically to the required size. The following step was to cut out the peat sods horizontally, after which they were loaded onto wheelbarrows and transported to a nearby field. There, they were laid out or stacked up vertically in a formation for drying. FC1. 16 The Spread of Industrialization Beyond Britain c. By 1. 85. 0, Britain had become the first industrialized country in the world, with over half of its people living in cities. It controlled ninety per cent of Europes steam shipping along. However, outside of Britain, industrial factories were few and far between. Detective Conan Vs Lupin Sub Indo. There were several reasons for. For one thing, the competition of cheaper British goods drained the capital needed for investment in industry from other countries and toward Britain. Internal tolls and. Coal and iron deposits were usually far from each other, making it hard to concentrate the. Britain itself actively worked to keep its technical knowledge from leaking beyond its shores. Finally, there was widespread resistance to. Britains cities at. Being so far ahead of the rest of the world, Britain decided to hold a magnificent trade fair, The Great Exhibition, in 1. Other countries. also contributed exhibits, but Britains were the centerpiece of the show. Among these was the exhibit hall itself, the Crystal Palace, a magnificent structure of iron and glass covering 1. Hyde Park. The Great Exhibition and Crystal Palace symbolized the completion of Britains industrialization and the beginning of the spread of industry. Good Laboratory Practices Manual. Europe and the world. After 1. 85. 0, the most spectacular industrial advances would take place in Western Europe, the United States, and Japan. Despite the edge Britain was showing off in the Great Exhibition, there were five main factors pushing even harder for Western Europe and the United States to industrialize. First. British competition forced these countries to industrialize in order to survive. Secondly, British businesses found ready and cheaper opportunities for building railroads and industries in. Along these lines, Europe and America shared a common cultural heritage with Britain, including an aptitude for machines extending all. Middle Ages. Along these lines, Britain was geographically close to the rest of Europe and even the United States thanks to much faster. Finally, constant contact with Britain meant that its knowledge could not be kept secret. Designs for steam engines and locomotives were bound to leak out, and they did. The first step most countries took to industrialize was to build railroads to link coal to iron deposits and factories to markets. Once a transportation system. Belgium was the first country after Britain to industrialize, largely because, being small and compact, its coal and iron deposits were near each other. Its government also established a. In France, as well, railroad construction, directed by Napoleon III and largely backed by British capital, led the way. By. 1. 87. 0, an extensive railway network radiated from Paris linking the agricultural south with the industrial centers in the north. Some said France did not experience an industrial. Frenchmen who remained farmers. However, by 1. 90. France was a major industrial power following much the same pattern. Germany did not seriously start industrializing until after unification in 1. However. once unified, Germany saw a meteoric rise in its industrial might. Steel production doubled every decade from 1. Great Britain in the 1. Its railroad. mileage increased from 3. The United States saw even more dramatic industrial growth during this period because of its sheer size and plentiful resources. Railroads also largely financed by British banks had. Mississippi by 1. The completion of the first transcontinental railroad in 1. Mississippi. with its vast agricultural and mineral resources. Northern factories intensified production during the American Civil War of the 1. In 1. 87. 0, Europe produced 6. By 1. 9l. 4, it had fallen to 4. American industries. One non Western country, Japan, had also industrialized by 1. Ironically, Japan had shut itself off from Western influences since the 1. But, in 1. 85. 4 the United States. Japan to trade with the West, and it decided to beat the West at its own game by industrializing. Few paid serious attention to this until 1. Japan took on Russian in a. Japan had arrived as an industrial power, showing that the Wests days as the.